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This camp is designed for AP CS A, which uses Java (including object-oriented programming concepts), and is for students who are planning to take AP Computer Science A or AP Java courses in high school.
This camp will also be helpful for the students planning to go into computer science-related fields (major or minor) in college.
Java is one of the most popular, relevant, and in-demand programming languages today. Java is used in a wide range of applications ranging from Mobile Apps development & 3D imaging to business/academic/internet applications. Java is a platform-independent language and can write programs for Windows, Linux, Macintosh, and even for Mobile Devices.
Introduction to Java Programming (Based on AP CS A Curriculum)
About this Camp
Course Syllabus for Camp
Students will learn the building blocks of Java language and object-oriented programming (required for APCS A exam). Each class will include hands-on activities and students will work on the project based on the topics covered in the class.
Students will also work on AP exam FRQ style projects as well as AP exam MCQ style practice questions.
This camp will cover Java program structure, Java code debugging, Identifiers, Variables, Data Types, Type Casting, Conditions, For Loops, While Loops, Operators, Classes, Objects, Methods, and Constructors. etc.
AP CS A Boot Camp
NextGen Tech Learning
2206 Camino Ramon, San Ramon CA 94583
Ph: 855-648-5327 / 925-659-8000
Email: admin@NGTLearning.com
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