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3. Check Python Installation:
4. Write and Test Python Code: You can now write Python code and test it using the following steps:
How to Install Python on a Chromebook
5. (Optional Step) Install the Python Integrated Development Environment (IDE) of your choice:
You can use any other text editor or IDE to write Python code. Some popular options include Visual Studio Code, PyCharm, and Sublime Text. You can install these from the Linux terminal using apt or the Chrome Web Store if available.
Congratulations!! You have successfully installed Python on your Chromebook. You can now start coding in Python on your Chromebook.
Knowledge Base Article
2. Install Python, IDLE and PIP:
Chromebooks run on Chrome OS a Linux-based operating system that allows user to run Linux applications. You can use Linux to install Python on your Chromebook. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to do it:
1. Enable Linux:
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Email: admin@NGTLearning.com
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