1-855-NGTLearning (1-855-648-5327)  ||  (925) 659-8000  || admin@ngtlearning.com

​​Online Summer Camps 2025

​​​Fee for Jr. Tech Online Camps:​  

  • Half Day Camp (AM or PM camp) Ultra-Early Bird Fee: $249 OR  $229 each if registered for more than one camp(s) or for sibling(s)  (Regular Price $299) ($50 Ultra-Early Bird Discount + $20 Multi Camp or Siblings Discount for each camp)
    Full-day camp (register for both AM and PM camps): $458 (Regular Price $598)
    Each Additional Half Day Camp (for the same student or siblings): $229 (Regular Price $299)

  • Online Camps will be run in the Hybrid Mode: Students will join the camp online, where some students may be present in person in the class.


Jr. Tech Online Summer Camps for 2nd - 6th Grade

                    June 2025 Camps


Morning Session
(9:00AM – 12:00PM  Pacific Time)

Afternoon Session
(1:00PM – 4:00PM ​Pacific Time)

Week 1
[June  9th - June 13th]

In-Person Camp: Online option not available

In-Person Camp: Online option not available

Week 2  
[June  16th - June  20th]

236AM: Introduction to Web Programming and JavaScript Programming

Register ]

236PM: Introduction to Minecraft Coding and Game Design

Register ]

Week 3

[June 23rd - June 27th]

336AM:  Roblox: Create and Code Your Own Games

Register ]

In-Person Camp: Online option not available

Week 4 
[June 30th - July 4th]


July/Aug 2025 Camps
Morning Session
(9:00AM – 12:00PM  Pacific Time)
Afternoon Session
(1:00PM – 4:00PM ​Pacific Time)

Week 5

[July 7th  - July 11th]

  536AM: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Python Programming

Register ]

In-Person Camp: Online option not available

Week 6
[July 14th  - July 18th]

  636AM: Fundamentals of Programming & Python Programming

Register ]

636AM:  Roblox: Create and Code Your Own Games

Register ]

Week 7
[July 21st - July 25th]

In-Person Camp: Online option not available
 736PM: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Python Programming

Week 8
[July 28th - Aug 1st ]

  836AM: Website Design & Digital Drawing

Register ]

In-Person Camp: Online option not available